Everything ends

After a long, hard think I’ve decided to stop producing The Bigfoot Show.

I say “I” though there are four of us, I get that, but this a personal decision on my part to end the show. I’ve been making them now for more than seven years and my interest in the subject has evolved quite a bit in that time. My activities and objectives are very different now. I have gone from being an enthusiastic sideline observer of sasquatchery to being an active participant in an attempt to resolve the bigfoot question definitively. And, as a result, the way I find I can best focus my energy has changed. I don’t have the energy or feel motivated to make the BFS any longer.

It’s been pointed out to me that the BFS doesn’t take a lot of time to make. Sure, we’re recording for a few hours and then there’s maybe another hour of futzing around getting the show up. We make at best a show a month (usually a lot less), so exactly how much energy is being expended? That’s a good point, but the BFS is nothing but commentary and pontificating. It’s us telling you what we think about the crazy, usually f’ed up world of bigfoot and to be able to do that in a way that makes a show I’d want to listen to requires a lot of attention be paid to a world I don’t really care about anymore. I could give a rats about whatever the latest squatchploitation TV show is. I find Melba Ketchum to be a sad, sad person, no longer a source of entertainment. I can’t find the energy to even peruse bigfoot blogs for show fodder. That leads to us being repetitive and overly self-referential. Continuing to make that show would be nothing more than an exercise in ego self-flagellation.

I can hear it when we’re making the show but I don’t have the urge to fix it. Because that takes a lot of energy. That requires a level of dedication and engagement I simply cannot muster. It doesn’t get me excited. If anything, it fills me with dread. It feels like work. The Bigfoot Show should always be something I’m anxious to do. For too long, it hasn’t been. So, the time has come to move on to other endeavors, though this blog and our Facebook page will stick around for the foreseeable future. Old shows will be available indefinitely.

I know a lot of people are going to be very disappointed at this news. I know I speak for Scott, Paul, and Sam when I say the enthusiastic support you’ve shown for our little show is deeply appreciated. Thank you for all the comments and likes and questions and love you’ve thrown at us over the years. Thank you so much.

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19 comments on “Everything ends
  1. Chad Brooks says:

    Hey Brian-

    As a podcaster I certainly understand the tension and stress producing a show goes. Years ago, when I first started listening to Bigfoot podcasts I loved finding the BIPcast. It was a really interesting show. I also was an avid listener of “Let’s Talk Bigfoot.”

    Over the years I have consistently pointed people towards The Bigfoot Show. I loved it and I wish all of y’all well.

  2. Kevin W. says:

    While I am completely bummed by this news, I do get it. You guys have provided us with hundreds of hours of entertainment and I thank you for that.

    I would still love to hear updates from what happens in Area X. Those episodes were highlights for me for the last few years and I found myself looking forward to them.

    Take care guys and thank you!

  3. As with anyone who was a fan of the show, this disappoints me. Still, I can completely understand the reasoning. Anyone who hasn’t attempted to create and produce creative content of any sort will be hard pressed to understand the amount of work and commitment that is required. There’s still so much to talk about in the Sasquatchery world, but in my opinion that comes to light most on one-on-one communication. One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had when it comes to this stuff was going to the last NAWAC conference in Fort Worth and getting to tell my own potential sighting story to Jeff Meldrum, Josh Gates, and Brian Brown. One of the greatest parts of being involved in this whole mess is the magical feeling of the unknown, and I think that the podcast did seize that at times. But like Brian said above, talking about then latest crappy TV or Melba’s latest exploits just isn’t interesting anymore. Choosing to stop producing the podcast couldn’t have been a decision made lightly, but I applaud you for having the conviction to do what’s best in your eyes. Good luck with future endeavors and may the wood apes be ever in your crosshairs, for scientific reasons of course.

  4. Swedesquatch says:

    Thank you guys!
    In many ways You were the only sane voice in this field we call sasquatchery. Something else than bone headed scoftics and the living i la la land-belivers. I’ve followed the show from the very beginning and enjoyed it alot! Wish You all good all the best in the future!
    Greetings from Sweden.

    Ps. Brian, hope you and the NAWAC get that Wood Ape specimen soon!

  5. Sean says:

    Your show was awesome and helped me get to where I am today in Bigfootery. It will be missed as it was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise fetid world. I get leaving it. If there is no passion, there is no point.

  6. sagneta says:

    Perhaps you can create a podcast with the same folks about another subject you care about? I’m sure Paul will jump at the chance to explain why Rugby is great. Thanks for the podcast and take care Brian.

  7. lizzie says:

    Thank you for all that you have done. I totally get it, and admire and appreciate your directness. You don’t owe anybody anything, so Wow, thanks for taking the time to explain what’s been going on to the peanut gallery. Go Get ’em!

  8. David says:

    Well it was fun while it lasted! Life moves us along in new directions, and sometimes we have to reassess what we can do with the time we are given. All the best to you guys, God bless!


    Your show will truly be missed, it is the best of bigfoot, you guys mesh perfectly. Please reconsider getting together with the boys once a month posting a number and taking live calls chat on bigfoot and all things bizarre. Please don’t go!!!!

  10. Greg says:

    You have done real good work over the years and I thank you for it. However in my opinion the work now being done in X is infinitely more important and interesting. Please find a way to keep us informed about that project

  11. Mark Blair says:

    It’s like having and old friend move to Europe or something. I truly enjoyed your times together. Be it 2-3 or all 4 of you. I understand your reasons for calling it quits,anybody would. But for purely selfish reasons I DONT LIKE IT! You guys were the breath of fresh air we all needed. My favorite part of the show was those times you discussed Bigfoot.LOL
    I think I can speak for everyone when I say ” so long, good luck, and thanks.

  12. Lori says:

    Thank you for your work. Very much enjoyed the bigfoot show & your previous BIP casts. Your style of explaining, discussing & interviewing is very good. Take care.

  13. Sean A. Elliott says:

    But what about my needs?

  14. Sean Parker says:

    I just discovered the BIPcast. My son and i have recently become intereested in the Bigfoot story. While searching for podcasts , i found some poor ones ,and then the BIPcast. I was immediatly impressed with your style and professionlaism. You are a natural interviewer and showed that peering into the lives of BF researchers can be interesting. you had a grounded common sense approach to the issue and i appreciated it. when i saw that there was only 6 BIPcasts , i went looking for more by you, and unfortunately just found this as you are wrapping up shop. I wish you well in whatever endeavors you undertake in the future, and i see that i have all these podcast to catch up on. Maybe by the time i have, you will have created something new. Well done and thank you.

  15. Nelipot says:

    Wow and there I was just hanging on for the next episode thinking “Come on guys its been a while even by your standards!”

    I’ll be honest, as a listener to your show for, well it must be 5-6 years, I am devastated that one of my top 10 Podcasts of all time has decided to call it a day.

    Alright, I understand that when the passion has dissipated then it can be a struggle to get motivated, and there was very little to actually report on lately without scraping the barrel, but I for one am gonna miss you guys.

    I am truly gutted.

    Heres wishing you all the very best for the future, thank you for giving me, a Brit, a first-class education on the subject of Bigfoot.

    Its been fun.

  16. Grape Ape says:

    Brian, Scott, Paul and Sam:

    first off, thanks so much for the wild Bigfoot themed ride you took us all on over the years. I stumbled onto the Bigfoot show in the fall of 2012 and I was quickly hooked by the quality, depth, and humor of the show. I’m deeply appreciative of the personal time you and your co-hosts took out of your busy lives to give us Bigfoot (or rather Wood Ape) fans something to chew on every few weeks or months.

    I figured something was up when November rolled around and there was still no new show. I then heard Scott last week on SasWhat briefly mention the demise of the show and it all started to make sense. There would be no new episode after ‘Mysterious Baby Stroller’.

    I fully support your decision and take heart in the fact that there are still many backlogged episodes from the time before I started listening. Regarding ‘Area x’, I hope that you will still produce an update from time to time to let peer into the mysterious happenings there. Or even a reunion show at some point in the future would be great.

    So long Bigfoot Show, and thanks for all the great memories!

  17. akblooper says:

    Brian, Scott, Paul and Sam:

    first off, thanks so much for the wild Bigfoot themed ride you took us all on over the years. I stumbled onto the Bigfoot show in the fall of 2012 and I was quickly hooked by the quality, depth, and humor of the show. I’m deeply appreciative of the personal time you and your co-hosts took out of your busy lives to give us Bigfoot (or rather Wood Ape) fans something to chew on every few weeks or months.

    I figured something was up when November rolled around and there was still no new show. I then heard Scott last week on SasWhat briefly mention the demise of the show and it all started to make sense. There would be no new episode after ‘Mysterious Baby Stroller’.

    I fully support your decision and take heart in the fact that there are still many backlogged episodes that I have yet to listen to. Regarding ‘Area x’, I hope that you will still produce an update from time to time to let us peer into the mysterious happenings there, or even a reunion show at some point in the future would be great.

    So long Bigfoot Show, and thanks for all the great memories!

  18. Bill says:

    Ok jokes over now let’s have some new shows. You guys were the best.

  19. Tim Mena says:

    I’m a latecomer to the party, it’s August 2016, but for a week straight now I’ve been listening to the BFS in all my free time, of which I undoubtedly have too much of. I’m thoroughly entertained and captivated by the show, and though some of the content is a few years old, I’m gaining so much knowledge about a subject I’ve been interested in for a lifetime, but indirectly involved in only just recently. I will be definitely trying to find you folks on “the Twitter”, I’m @hawk_cosmic btw if anyone’s interested, because unfortunately I cannot abide by that confounded Facebook. I swore it off many moons ago. Thanks so much for all that you all have done, especially Brian, in this mystical, mythical, magically phenomenal field of interest. Damn great work man.

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